Emma Davies | Homage
emma davies is a melbourne based artist with an established reputation for innovative and creative installations for both the and private commercial sector. davies’ work can be seen throughout australia and overseas in commercial outlets, as part of large scale collaborations and complex commissions in high profile properties.
Emma Davies, melbourne artist, artist commissions, craft victoria, art installation commissions
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  • Homage #6


Have you ever pondered the creative possibilities of those brilliantly coloured mesh onion and orange bags?

Well, Melbourne artist Emma Davies has, and the fantastical results will be on display in her solo exhibition Homage at artisan from 24 March – 14 May 2011.

A self-taught artist with an insatiable curiosity, Davies is constantly testing the possibilities of her seemingly mundane source material.

“I scavenge for ideas, searching and striving to make meaning out of an intrinsically ugly material. My reward is being able to transform common packaging into something beautiful”, says Davies.

The works in her latest exhibition are inspired by a visit to the Torres Strait where she worked with local women and men of St Paul’s and Kubin Village on the island of Moa.

Davies response to this trip was to create a series of brightly coloured sculptures of palm fronds and floral forms that are both delicate to touch and enchanting to view.

Emma explains “I wanted to capture my experience in the Torres Strait without depicting specific places or events. With no formal training, at a very basic level, my innate feeling for form, texture, and colour guide me through the creative process to develop and complete each piece.”

Davies works will be for sale during the exhibition, which presents a wonderful opportunity to purchase your very own, unique piece of the beautiful Torres Strait.


24 March - 14 May, 2011


September 21, 2015

